Use "earthling|earthlings" in a sentence

1. 22 For YOUR own sakes, hold off from the earthling man, whose breath* is in his nostrils,+ for on what basis is he himself to be taken into account?

22 너희는 땅의 사람을 멀리하여라. 그의 숨이 콧구멍에 있는데,+ 무슨 근거로 그가 귀하게 여김을 받아야 하느냐?

2. For your own sakes, hold off from the earthling man, whose breath is in his nostrils, for on what basis is he himself to be taken into account?” —Isaiah 2:19-22.

그의 숨이 콧구멍에 있는데, 무슨 근거로 그가 귀하게 여김을 받아야 하느냐?”—이사야 2:19-22.